Finding Your Passion in the Midst of Challenging Times

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the subsequent shutdown of the economy, it seems as though we’ve been put in a cosmic time out. Like bad little kids sent to our room and think about how we’re acting, how we’re treating each other and the planet.

Ive noticed that many of my peers are writing about the challenges, and I know its a real shit show not knowing when the next paycheck will come or if a job will even exist when this ends, yet the optimist want to bring your attention to the opportunity this presents.


I was listening to Dave Ramsey yesterday and he pointed out that 71 percent of Americans are unhappy in their jobs and would like to make a change regardless of the current conditions. If this sounds like you, consider taking the opportunity to reflect on what you’re passionate about and what changes can be made to elevate your quality of life.

Your discontent may not be with work, maybe it’s centered around health or the quality of your relationships. In this case, I suggest searching into these other areas of life such as what makes you healthy or how you can bring more energy into your relationships.


Start the self awareness building by answering the questions below and developing awareness for your passion motivators. When this is over you will be equipped to take action toward doing what you love and creating a more remarkable life.


Questions to Develop awareness of your gifts and strengths:

  • What have you always been interested in since you were young?

  • What subjects did you excel at in high school or college?

  • What have people always said you are good at doing?

  • What activities or topics of interest are you always being drawn back to?


a framework to discover your passion motivators

If you could wave a magic wand and do anything in your life to make the world a better place what would you be doing?    This could be for your work, your way of making an income or simply what you enjoy doing that you could contribute to the world.


We are not designed to sit around, be depressed or disengaged, so I encourage you to take this time to reflect and write about how can contribute your gifts to help make this world a better place.

If you would like more tools to dive deeper into understanding your passion motivators and creating a lifestyle that you love, click here to download the freedom lifestyle guide. This 10 page guide and worksheet provides a roadmap for creating a life that you love.